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Advertising Appeals

22/05/2022    admin   Truyền thông Tích hợp
Many different appeals can be used as the basis for advertising messages. At the broadest level, these approaches are generally broken into two categories: informational/rational appeals and emotional appeals. In this section, we focus on ways to use rational and emotional appeals as part of a creative strategy. We also consider how rational and emotional appeals can be combined in developing the advertising message.

Informational/Rational Appeals

Informational/rational appeals focus on the consumer’s practical, functional, or utilitarian need for the product or service and emphasize features of a product or service and/or the benefits or reasons for owning or using a particular brand. The content of these messages emphasizes facts, learning, and the logic of persuasion. Rational-based appeals tend to be informative, and advertisers using them generally attempt to convince consumers that their product or service has a particular attribute(s) or provides a specific benefit that satisfies their needs. Their objective is to persuade the target audience to buy the brand because it is the best available or does a better job of meeting consumers’ needs.

Many rational motives can be used as the basis for advertising appeals, including comfort, convenience, economy, health, and sensory benefits such as touch, taste, and smell. Other rational motives or purchase criteria commonly used in advertising include quality, dependability, durability, efficiency, efficacy, and performance. The particular features, benefits, or evaluative criteria that are important to consumers and can serve as the basis of an informational/rational appeal vary from one product or service category to another as well as among various market segments. Weilbacher identified several types of advertising appeals that fall under the category of rational approaches, among them feature, competitive advantage, price, news, and product/service popularity appeals.

Emotional Appeals

Emotional appeals relate to the customers’ social and/or psychological needs for purchasing a product or service. Many consumers’ motives for their purchase decisions are emotional, and their feelings about a brand can be more important than knowledge of its features or attributes. Advertisers for many products and services view rational, information-based appeals as dull. Many advertisers believe appeals to consumers’ emotions work better at selling brands that do not differ markedly from competing brands, since rational differentiation of them is difficult.4 Many feelings or needs can serve as the basis for advertising appeals designed to influence consumers on an emotional level These appeals are based on the psychological states or feelings directed to the self (such as pleasure or excitement), as well as those with a more social orientation (such as status or recognition). 

Combining Rational and Emotional Appeals

In many advertising situations, the decision facing the creative specialist is not whether to choose an emotional or a rational appeal but, rather, determining how to combine the two approaches. Consumer purchase decisions are often made on the basis of both emotional and rational motives, and attention must be given to both elements in developing effective advertising. Purchase decisions regarding services can also be based on both rational and emotional motives.

Source: Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 9th Edition, by George E. Belch   (Author), Michael A. Belch  (Author)


6C trong quan hệ công chúng
6C trong quan hệ công chúng
Quan hệ công chúng là các nỗ lực được hoạch định và duy trì liên tục nhằm thiết lập và củng cố uy tín và sự hiểu biết lẫn nhau giữa một tổ chức và công chúng. Theo nghĩa rộng hơn, quan hệ công chúng là các chương trình được xây dựng nhằm tăng cường hình ảnh của một doanh nghiệp hay thương hiệu của nó đối với cộng đồng.
6 Công cụ truyền thông Marketing tích hợp (IMC)
6 Công cụ truyền thông Marketing tích hợp (IMC)
Theo Philip Kotler, Quảng cáo là những hình thức truyền thông không trực tiếp, được thực hiện thông qua những phương tiện truyền tin phải trả tiền và xác định rõ nguồn kinh phí
16 cân nhắc quan trọng để xây dựng thương hiệu trong cuộc khủng hoảng.
16 cân nhắc quan trọng để xây dựng thương hiệu trong cuộc khủng hoảng.
Một cuộc khủng hoảng có thể là con dao hai lưỡi đối với các nhà tiếp thị. Một mặt, nó cung cấp một nguồn nguyên liệu vô tận cho các chiến dịch và buộc họ phải đổi mới khi tiếp cận người tiêu dùng. Mặt khác, nó có thể yêu cầu công ty thay đổi cách tiếp cận để xây dựng thương hiệu gần như toàn bộ.